Giuliano Carmignola at the Sibiu/Hermannstadt International Music Festival

Giuliano Carmignola, the soloist of the Festival's second symphonic concert

Together with the Mozart Kammerphilhamonie orchestra and with conductor Christian Badea, Giuliano Carmignola performed Concerto no.4 for violin and orchestra by Mozart, in the "Holy Trinity" Roman Catholic Church. The evening also offered two of the most beautiful symphonies to the public: Symphony no. 5 by Franz Schubert and no. 8 by Ludwig van Beethoven.

"Each concert that I perform together with the Mozart Kammerphilharmonie orchestra or with the baroque ensemble La Stravaganza is a success. This is my third time in Romania, Sibiu is already familiar to me. Each time I performed together with Christian Badea and with young musicians from the artistic team of the Romanian Foundation for Excellence in Music. For me, it's a pleasure to work and to go on stage with them. I think they are talented and ambitious. It's a special hall-mark of the Festival to bring together consecrated and young artists, to create music together, and the public feels this distinctive mark in every concert, said Giuliano Carmignola.